Harold M. Gettle first established an electrical services provider in the garage of his home in 1954, and the company quickly grew. It was later purchased by the Robert A. Kinsley family and incorporated as Gettle Incorporated. Under the guidance of the Kinsley family, the company began to offer more than just electrical services. Gettle now provides comprehensive solutions to meet its clients’ electrical, automation, fire/security, datacom and engineering/design needs.
Firm’s Marketing Efforts Streamlined with Deltek Vision Blackbox Connector
[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 11, 2018 4:42:37 PM / by Ryan S Felkel posted in Data Management, Blackbox Connector, Email Marketing
Webcast: CSRS Firsthand Experience with Implementing the Blackbox Connector for Concur and Deltek Vision
[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 11, 2017 9:00:00 AM / by Amy Balassone posted in Blackbox Connector
Recently, Andrew Brown with CSRS spoke about his experience with the Blackbox Connector. His firm wanted to seamlessly integrate data by connecting Deltek Vision and Concur. CSRS is headquartered in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and has about one-hundred and twenty employees spread over four locations.